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Returning Old COE necessary? 2023/4/15 05:12
I had a COE issued back in 2021 and even got the visa (Engg/specialist/foreign), but was not able to travel due to the lockdown. Decided to stay back in my country for another 2 years.
Now I have applied for a new COE in March 2023, Do I need to return the older COE or it doesn't matter?

by Raymo (guest)  

Re: Returning Old COE necessary? 2023/4/16 12:11
immigration can find the record of issuing the old OCE. when they find it, they may ask you how did you treat it. you must response it. it takes a while for communications and issuing a new one will be delayed.
if you return the old one, they may be able to save some steps and their whole investigation process may be shortened and easier.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Old COE necessary? 2023/4/16 12:14
Thanks for your answer.
I did attach a scanned copy of my COE with other documents while applying.
I hope a digital copy is all they need (if they need it) .
by Raymo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Old COE necessary? 2023/4/16 12:21
it is better to send back the original.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Old COE necessary? 2023/4/16 13:12
You said you even applied for the visa using the older CoE you had, but could not enter Japan while the visa was valid?

As far as I know, once CoE is gusedh and the visa is issued based on that, it is no longer valid, in other words it has expired. This means that you would not have any problem of having double CoEs.

Generally speaking, the issue with having gtwo CoEsh is when (1) you apply for a job with two employers, both accept you, and get both of them to start the CoE process for an overlapping period, without informing one or the other to stop the application process, or (2) you still have an outstanding (meaning still before expiry, or not used) CoE and you apply for another one for an overlapping period.

So in your case, my gut feeling is that you would not have any problem. If you have a digital copy of the CoE and send it with your application, they might use it as a piece of reference information - verification that youfve already fulfilled the requirements for a work visa once in your past, but that would be about it.

THis is my take, but I am not an immigration lawyer.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Old COE necessary? 2024/4/26 17:02
My COE with X company got expired on 24th March 2024, I am not used that COE for visa processing & I am not used that for entering to Japan, due to personal reasons I am not decided to come Japan that time.
Now I am going to get on another Job offer from Y Company , that is in the final stage of job interview now this Y company is ready to sponsor new COE , they will start to process after June month , it wonft be any problem right for applying new Coe through new Y company ?
by Bala (guest) rate this post as useful

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