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Difficult to register a property for AirBNB? 2023/5/2 22:05
Some websites indicate it's just a matter of registering, but another said you need to make a number of capital improvements to your property like sprinklers etc. I'm hoping someone with experience hosting on AirBNB can share some of their understanding. Thanks!
by Brad S (guest)  

Re: Difficult to register a property for AirBNB? 2023/5/3 11:18
I wont go too far into it as there is a massive legal field here. So you yourself doing your research with AirBnB themselves and no random internet world would be much better.

But think about what other hotles and/or AirBnbs have...

Emergency escape route posted on wall, fire extinguisher/s, emergency services posted.

Stay at any airbnb and/or hotel and you can easily see what they have that normal households dont.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Difficult to register a property for AirBNB? 2023/5/23 08:54
In order to register your inn with AirBNB in Japan, you need to acquire hotel license etc. to operate your business legally.
When you obtain the hotel license etc., you can receive registration number etc. from the government.
And you need to fill in the numbers with the website of AirBnB.
by Scrivener Aki rate this post as useful

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