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Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/5/31 22:53

I usually go to Japan during winter, and I already have a plane ticket for January ~ February 2024. I always have thought about going to Osorezan in Aomori, but it is always closed during winter so I haven't been there. Now I'm thinking if it is worth paying for another plane ticket for this summer, renting a car and go to Japan just only for Osorezan and then come home. Looking at pictures and videos makes me wanting to go there. However, I have been disappointed at numerous tourist places that I felt they were quite overrated during my past trips.

If you have been there, could you please share your experience?

Thank you
by Sitti01  

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 08:30
Personally I would not make a trip to Japan just for Osorezan, but I did find the place very interesting and certainly not an overcrowded "tourist" destination. Its remoteness probably contributes to the low number of people that were there the same time I was.
How long you would want to stay might also be a factor. Rental car provides some flexibility - I was using the buses and while I would have liked a bit more time, it wasn't the kind of place that I would have spent most of the day at.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 11:30

I too have been to Osorezan, and also went there via public transit. It really is a very special place, I thought it was much more interesting than Enryakuji and Koya-san. I'm not sure I would go to Japan just to go there, but if you have the money and the time, I've gone to Japan for weirder things, like a doll cruise.

I am renting a car and we are actually planning to go to Osorezan again in July. I'm expecting the trip to be much more enjoyable via car.
by rkold rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 11:41

I have been disappointed at numerous tourist places that I felt were quite overrated during my past trips.

I visited Osorezan a few years ago and spent less than an hour. If you are coming to Japan just for Osorezan, you'd better come up with a very compelling reason, otherwise, it will be another big disappointment.
by liem (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 12:22
I went to Osorezan a few years ago and stayed overnight. It was one (of many) highlights of a 2 months trip through far flung places in Japan.

However would I fly from California to Japan ONLY to visit Osorezan? No. But if you make a week of it in Tohoku / southern Hokkaido, specially if so far you have been only in the winter to Japan you can see a lot of other interesting places.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 15:32
Thank you everybody for all your inputs and talking me out of it. You guys are right. I shouldn't do this trip. I better save this place for when I take another meaningful and longer trip during different season. Not sure why last night I had such a strong urge of taking a very short trip only for Osorezan. Maybe because I had a really bad day yesterday. Now that I've had slept on it, I'm thinking more rationally and having a second thought. Instead of spending all this money for a very short trip, I think I'd rather buy a new camera for upcoming and future trips.

@LikeBike thanks for sharing your blog. Looks like that was an amazing bike trip!!

@JapanCustomTours & rkold Yes I too think rental car would be more enjoyable and flexible for a remote place like Osorezan. I remember checking a bus schedule several years ago. It was very limited and I had to give up going there at that time.

@JapanCustomTours & liem Sound like it isn't a place that I can spend a lot of time there. Thanks for letting me know.
by Sitti01 rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/1 16:55
Interesting thread, and I have seen your posts on a number of occasions, so I wanted to add a couple of other comments.
I think that Osorezan is much more interesting than Koya-san (as an example). Koya was rather "meh" and not at all special. Osorezan was something else again, and given the right circumstances I would go back without hesitation. But, even with that, I would not base a trip around it. Combining with other places in the area (southern Hokkaido and northern Honshu) would make for an interesting week. But, I suspect you have already explored those places, so if I was planning something for you I would be looking for something else to make a trip worthwhile. And, while I do end up spending many days/weeks with repeat visits to locations around Japan (like I am currently), having time to explore in more depth is a real luxury. Often it is the small things that never get a mention here in JapanGuide or other forums (or the web in general) that I have been able to share with my guests to give them insight into places that we go - stuff that is hidden in a neighbourhood or town, mentioned on a local tv show or simply stumbled across - it's why I love Japan so much and why so many people make so many repeat visits.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/18 23:56
Thank you, Sitti for the question, and LikeBike for your blog. I am planning to be traveling around Tohoku and up to Hakodate, starting around mid-October this year. The temple stay is very appealing to me. I've just started my research and based on what this guide suggests, I would also like to go to Dewa Sanzan. There it seems only 2 of the 3 temples will be open when I go.
by warren (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worth going to Japan just for Osorezan? 2023/6/19 13:12

I would also like to go to Dewa Sanzan.

I spent 3 days visiting the area.
If you are pressed for time, be sure not to miss the Hagurosan, the small hike is worth the effort.
by liem (guest) rate this post as useful

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