
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Social insurance after being jobless 2023/6/14 11:41
What are the instances that one can avail of the social insurance? Can i avail it for the reason of resigning from my current job for personal reasons? Or could I avail it only when the termination of job is caused by the employer and not of resignation of the employee? Thank you in advance.
by CC (guest)  

Re: Social insurance after being jobless 2023/6/14 15:47
Are you talking about unemployment insurance? If so, if you quit for your own reasons, there is a waiting period of 3months I believe before you become eligible to receive benefits (certain conditions apply, such as that you were employed for at least 12 months or longer).

If you are talking about other issues - if quit your company, you need to sign up with national health insurance instead of the companyfs.
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