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Tokyo to Ginzan Onsen Plan (1 night stay)
2023/6/18 23:12
Hi, I'm planning to travel to Japan on this early November and buy JR Pass so I'm wondering if I could plan a trip and stay 1 night at Ginzan onsen.
My question is : 1. I'm not sure how to reserve the Ryokan for staying at night. Most of the web is in Japanese with no English. Do they open for reservations periodically?
2. Is there any several Ryokan there and what is the recommended one with affordable price?
3. I'll take the JR Yamagata Shinkansen from Tokyo to Oishida Station, and then advise to take Bus. Is there any web or information about what bus should I take and the timetable?
I heard that it's difficult to get reservation in Ginzan Onsens so if I couldn't get the room, is it worth to travel from Tokyo only for 1 day trip to Ginzan Onsen? What is other options I may have if I still want to visit there?
Thank You for your response in advance
by Tiana (guest)
Re: Tokyo to Ginzan Onsen Plan (1 night stay)
2023/6/19 00:22
The town is pretty, but very small. I don't think it is worth a day trip unless you also enjoy train travel. Karuizawa, Nikko, are more interesting options for day trips. Near Yamagata city, there are also Zao Onsen and Yamadera that are worth visiting, if you have one more night to spare. In Gizan onsen, I stayed at Takimikan, but it was quite expensive and the dinner a bit disappointing. The outdoor bath (which made me choose it in the first place) was very nice though, and the rooms were indeed beautiful. Bus timetable : hotels offer a free shuttle to/from Oishida bus station, but you'll have to check each hotel page individually. With the help of Google translate, it is not too difficult to book a room on a Japanese website. If they ask for a Japanese postal adress/phone number, just fill it in with a random one, and write yours in the comment/free text form area.
by Mellye
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Re: Tokyo to Ginzan Onsen Plan (1 night stay)
2023/8/19 00:37
Thank you guys for your replies. Very useful information. Appreciate your help
by Tiana (guest)
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