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Summer Kusatsu Onsen 2023/6/23 05:28
Is it a bad idea to go Kusatsu Onsen during summer? Will it be very hot and uncomfortable? I do not intend to do the onsen. Just want to visit the place.
by wanderlast  

Re: Summer Kusatsu Onsen 2023/6/23 07:36
Kusatsu is located 1200 meters above sea, and therefore much more pleasant during the summer than down in the plains. I personally am always suprised how refreshing onsen baths are even in the summer. s a matter of fact, I myself have a trip to Kusatsu planned for this August.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Summer Kusatsu Onsen 2023/6/23 07:41
I went in May (I think 2019 from memory) expecting it to be cool but the year was unusually hot. While the baths were nice as Uji mentioned, our problem was that the room in the ryokan wasnt airconditioned and was feral at night, so keep an eye on that,
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

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