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Recommendation for Okinawa beach resort
2023/6/26 08:58
Hi All, second time visitor to Okinawa. Previously stayed in Naha. Looking for a beach resort on Okinawa main island for middle aged couple. Budget 200-500 USD per person/ per night. Specifically looking to relax on the beach. Any ideas?
by CD20
Re: Recommendation for Okinawa beach resort
2023/6/26 15:22
Manza beach Emerald beach Okuma beach Moon beach Sunset beach Zanpa beach Bibi beach itoman Azama sansan beach
by Jim (guest)
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Re: Recommendation for Okinawa beach resort
2023/6/26 20:10
Almost 20 years ago I stayed 3 nights at a small hotel in Motobu peninsula. During our stay we went to Sesoko beach in Sesoko island (accesible by bridge from the Motobu peninsula) and Min-na beach in Min-na island (by a short ferry ride) which are very nice. At that time I could not find any hotels in both island. I searched "Sesoko Hotel" and surprized that there are so many (20 or so) hotels in Sesoko at present, including Hilton! Most of them other than Hilton are very small (less than 10 rooms) though.
The water is less poluted in less populated place, and these places are obviously less populated. If you prefer clear water in a remote area, I would like to recommend Sesoko (Min-na is too small so there are still no accommodation at present).
by frog1954
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Re: Recommendation for Okinawa beach resort
2023/6/26 20:10
Almost 20 years ago I stayed 3 nights at a small hotel in Motobu peninsula. During our stay we went to Sesoko beach in Sesoko island (accesible by bridge from the Motobu peninsula) and Min-na beach in Min-na island (by a short ferry ride) which are very nice. At that time I could not find any hotels in both island. I searched "Sesoko Hotel" and surprized that there are so many (20 or so) hotels in Sesoko at present, including Hilton! Most of them other than Hilton are very small (less than 10 rooms) though.
The water is less poluted in less populated place, and these places are obviously less populated. If you prefer clear water in a remote area, I would like to recommend Sesoko (Min-na is too small so there are still no accommodation at present).
by frog1954
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