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Want to go back to JP under work visa 2023/7/8 03:09
Hi everyone,

I enrolled in a language school in Tokyo for about ten months last year. I left in January and returned to the US to complete my Master's degree. I've now completed my MA degree and got a job in Japan, and the company will sponsor my work visa for me to return to Japan. I wonder if the immigration office will still check my attendance rate from when I was enrolled in the language school? I think my attendance is around 80 or even below...I was lost about it during the last month as I was preparing to leave. I'm worried I will not get the Certificate of Eligibility because of my attendance.

Has anyone had the same experience? Thank you!
by joan (guest)  

Re: Want to go back to JP under work visa 2023/7/9 00:06
I am not a lawyer and i cannot say anything certain about what immigration might say, (and I donft have any firsthand experience) but Ifd say it is very unlikely that they would check your attendance at school.

Now that you have an employer-to-be as your sponsor, what they are interested in is whether you fulfill the requirements for a work visa - which would be your former education, job description & contract, your qualification for it, an the companyfs willingness to sponsor you.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Want to go back to JP under work visa 2023/7/9 00:20
I agree with the previous poster.
but, if you apply the change of resident status from language school student status to working status, they may consider the your attendance in the school.
the reason is that you apply "the change". probably, they will confirm that you are worthwhile in the previous status.
you had better to apply a new one for making everything simple.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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