
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Taxi Gotomba to Subushiri 5th St at midnight 2023/7/10 13:44
I want to hike from Subushiri 5th station after arriving in Gotemba station at midnight with the last train form Tokyo (23:42).
I am wondering if I can get a taxi at Gotemba station, what is the price, and can the taxi get up to the 5th station.
by BernhRD (guest)  

Re: Taxi Gotomba to Subushiri 5th St at midnight 2023/7/11 08:20
According to this taxi company's information, it costs 5,460 yen during the day.
The late-night charge is added by 20%, so it seems to be about 6552 yen.
There is also an e-mail address, so please contact us in advance.
According to the 2016 information, it was written as small size 6,900 yen, medium size 8,100 yen, large size 9,900 yen, jumbo 10,200 yen.
Small [4 passengers] / Medium/Large [5 passengers] / Jumbo [9 passengers].
There aren't many jumbo taxis, so the price will be different.
If there are no taxis at the station, a pick-up fee will be charged. At that time, it was 130 yen.
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