
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Going from public (Japanese) Jr. HS to HS 2023/7/15 15:37
Child has gone to public (Japanese) elementary and Jr. high school. What to do to prepare for the next stage after Jr. high school graduation?

My Japanese ability is very limited. I would like to find out more information in English please.
by Menj (guest)  

Re: Going from public (Japanese) Jr. HS to HS 2023/7/15 20:24
After graduating Jr high school, you are expected to either enroll for higher education (such as senior high school) or work to earn money.

In every public Jr high, there is a teacher in charge of that process. Have you talked to your child's homeroom teacher? Do you think your city hall could provide language assistance for you? A lot of city halls in Japan provide free interpreting service for those who need assistance in public facilities.

Typically, public Jr high schools start focusing on the students' next step once the student has reached the second year of Jr high.
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