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Mitsumine Shrine by feet (reverse) 2023/7/16 07:46
I've looked everywhere on the forum (and other website) and could only find the hiking time required to climb to Mitsumine Shrine from Awa bus stop. Most hikers mention a 3 hours trail.

However, I would like to know how long it would take to descend the mountain. I plan to arrive at the shrine by bus and descend the mountain to Owa bus stop in time to ride the last Seibu bus.

From my experience, descending a mountain can be quite fast compared to climbing. However, having hiked the old Kumano Kodo in Kii peninsula a few years ago, I remember the trails were extremely steep, which made descent quite taxing too...

Thanks in advance for your input!
by Sailormatlac (guest)  

Re: Mitsumine Shrine by feet (reverse) 2023/7/16 14:06
I am a Japanese but not familiar with this shrine (honestly I have never been to Saitama prefecture), so this is only I gathered from the internet.

Owa (大輪) bus stop is the starting point of the approach (参道) to the Mitsumine shrine. But the bus goes to the lower part (? sorry, I don't know how to say, even in Japanese) of the shrine. The name is Mitumine jinja (三峯神社). You can ride the bus to the end of the bus line (Mitsumine jinja) and visit the lower part of the shrine easily. If you want to climb up to the top of the shrine, it will take 1.5 hrs. Probably it will take less for the descending. Below is the timetable of the bus from Seibu Chichibu station (西武秩父駅) to Mitsumine Shrine (三峯神社).

You can search the bus in English.

This page is somewhat tricky but you can find the time tabele like this.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Mitsumine Shrine by feet (reverse) 2023/7/16 23:47
Hi! Thank you for your reply. I looked at the bus timetable and it seems possible to do it in an afternoon and still catch the last bus to Seibu-Chichibu Station.

Thanks again!
by Sailormatlac (guest) rate this post as useful

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