Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Naoshima Day trip from Okayama 2023/7/16 14:34
We are still in the planning stages of our deferred trip (7 th trip for us!)
Thinking of a day trip only to Naoshima from Okayama.
There will be 4 adults, all in our 70's: would it be possible to have a taxi/private driver for the day so we could guarantee going to all the Art places? If so, how would we organise that?
Could a Tourist office do it for us if it was possible?
The whole "one bus an hour" thing has a bit worried!!
Many thanks
by AusTF  

Re: Naoshima Day trip from Okayama 2023/7/17 15:29

According to this site, there are only two taxies in Naoshima island so you need to book beforehand. You might be able to contact with e-mail shown in the bottom of the page.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Naoshima Day trip from Okayama 2023/7/17 19:46
Our experience (been 3 times) is that it's not so bad for transport.

Each time we've visited, there's always been a bus at the port when the ferry arrives, and if you arrive fairly early and go straight to the Art House sites in Honmura, you can do all of those and then use the Benesse shuttle to get to the bigger museums.

For me, I'd say that trying to do it all in one day might be a challenge - even if you had your own transport - but we all travel at different paces.
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

Re: Naoshima Day trip from Okayama 2023/7/18 07:49
The one bus per hour is a bit of a hinderance, but you only need that between the main areas. For the Art House Project you would probably be walking between those sites and at least one is not accessible by taxi anyway. Take note of the timetable as you will need to work around that for you ferry connections anyway.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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