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Joining japanese uni with an IT diploma 2023/7/19 23:52
Can I join a japanese uni with an IT diploma *without* high school diploma?
I haven't finished high school due to some situations in my country. I am joining a 2 yr IT diploma course which is from japan. I was wondering if I can apply to universities with that diploma. Is it concerned with the institution that is giving the diploma? Or does jpn uni not accept diploma w/o high school diploma? I am applying to technology uni. I would be glad if someone could answer me. Thank u for reading.
by mochiakira  

Re: Joining japanese uni with an IT diploma 2023/7/20 09:16
in general, they request the applicants must have the certificate of high school graduation or an equivalent. probably the diploma which you mentioned is not qualified, because it has no relation to high school.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Joining japanese uni with an IT diploma 2023/7/20 10:10
joining a 2 yr IT diploma course which is from japan.

is this course IN Japan or you'll be doing it at an institution in your country?
Did you check with that institution whether they can help you with university application?
From what/where will this IT Diploma be issued? under which 'Japan' institution.
Sound a bit dodgy?
As previous poster mention, one of the requirement will
"be completed 12 years of formal school education"
but different university/course may have slightly different requirement and also not forgetting the immigration requirements for student visa.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Joining japanese uni with an IT diploma 2023/7/20 23:45
thank u for the answers. Yes, it's the one in my country and they say that I have to do it by myself since it is career focused. The name is "Metro". They have their main one in Nagasaki which is the same course as here apparently.
by mochiakira rate this post as useful

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