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ways to work in japan 2023/7/20 07:23

I heard that the best way to work and live in Japan is through english teaching. Is there any other ways that are a similar gateway to work in Japan without being required to come back?
by cue (guest)  

Re: ways to work in japan 2023/7/20 09:55

Check if you tick one of the working visa requirement. Then you can talk about finding job/company that will hire you.

English 'Teaching' is the 'easiest' way NOT the best way to gain work visa.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: ways to work in japan 2023/7/20 10:50
When you say come to Japan without going back, what is your end goal here? Are you just trying to find a job in Japan so you don't need to work in your own country? It also depends on your area of expertise of what field you're going into. As the other guy said, teaching is probably the easiest way, if you're from a country where English is the first language, otherwise, a degree in a field in which you've completed like engineering, business, etc. can have you apply for a visa in that category as well.

Just keep in mind, if you are working in fields other than an English teacher, most companies do require a good amount of Japanese ability too.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

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