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Cycle from Tsuruoka station to Kamo aquarium 2023/7/25 17:36
Dear forum members,

We plan to visit Kamo aquarium on August 11, arriving early at Tsuruoka station. I checked the bus schedules which is not very convenient. My question is whether it is feasible and advisable to cycle from Tsuruoka station to the aquarium? We are in good shape and love cycling. I saw that there is roughly 12-15 km which is fine.

What is your opinion? And also do you have any recommendation on where to leave our bags and rent bikes. I saw in a post of the japan-guide that that the tourist office was renting some. Is it confirmed?

Many many thanks for your kind help and support and all best wishes from Paris.
by ChristopheTerrasse  

Re: Cycle from Tsuruoka station to Kamo aquarium 2023/7/26 02:52
There are free of charge rental bikes close to the station:

Open from March to November.

How advisable it is to ride a total of 25 km on these bikes will depend on your body size (Japanese mamacharis are notoriously small). But yes, itfs doable.
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