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Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/25 21:13
Our family of 4 (kids 11 and 14) have three nights in Ito (k's House) and would like to explore nature-based activities on the east of the Izu Peninsula (possibly including the Kawazu Seven waterfall walk in the centre). This might include the Jogasaki Coast walk, and maybe a swim at a beach as far south as Shimoda area.

With kids we want a slow-moderate pace, so want to enjoy and relax at the places we visit.
We have Sunday 1/10 and Monday 2/10 as full days to enjoy a few places on Izu. I'm mindful of the relatively infrequent bus link routes when away from the train line, and the reports of busy traffic on weekends.

We could rent a car for one or both of these days if this is likely to provide less stressful travel or downtime waiting for public transport. Is it quicker and easier to travel by car on the Sunday or the Monday, or is it just as easy and quick to stick to public transport?

by insecteater  

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/26 02:42
You f you have the ability to rent a car for Izu peninsula (ideally from there) that would be good. Gives you access to areas without public transport and freedom to choose your own timing.
A few years ago I rented a car in Shuzenji for a weekend and this was very convenient.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/26 05:49
If you can rent a car, do it.

Its one of those places where a car is better than train.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/26 16:58

We visited Izu peninsula  for two days a few years ago. Initially we were planning to use public transport, and we were glad we did not, renting a car from ITO station was the best decision, no time wasted waiting for the infrequent buses.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/27 06:48
Thanks all for your advice! I have booked a car.
by insecteater rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/27 19:52
Izu Dream pass 2 Day=2800,3 day= 3700 yen
Ito kanko free pass 2 day =4400 yen
Oshima bus pass 2 day = 3100 yen
Miyake bus pass 3 day =1500 yen
by Jim (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/27 21:50
Another option is to hire a taxi for a day or half a day and leave it to the driver to guide you. The roads in eastern Izu can be mountainous and tricky.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/28 00:21
How eastern izu Looks Like?
Uco san, can you give infoby youtube channel
by Imran khan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/28 05:57
Renting a car is a good decision. The buses and trains are infrequent. Jogasaki, Omuro, and the Nanadaru Falls are all good choices, as is Shimoda Park for the hydrangea.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Izu / Ito - rental car or public transport? 2023/7/28 10:14
Imran khan,

I'm sorry I don't have the time to go find images and videos, but perhaps you can use Google Street View or Google Map.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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