Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Kawazu 7 Waterfalls 2023/7/28 18:41
Hello! I plan to visit the Kawazu Waterfalls in late Oct/early Nov. Ifll be arriving in Kawazu from Tokyo around noon or early afternoon, then pick up the rental car to the waterfall before going to my hotel in Ito.

I was reading up how to do the hike with the car, and it seems the best way would be to park the car at the free car park opposite Nanadaru Onsen, then take the public bus to the upper falls, then follow the trail to the 7th waterfall and hike my way down to the 1st fall, go back up to the main road, and back to the free parking lot. So, of course, I have questions and appreciate any answers :)

1. Google Maps shows therefs a bus stop at the car park itself, is this true? Or do I take the one 200m down the road opposite Amagiso Onsen? How often does the bus comes? Do I take any bus that comes?
2. How long would the trail take for someone who is not a hiker nor that fit? I saw a video of someone walking the trail (up to the 3rd fall) in 19 mins! I suppose with pics and stops, itfll take about 1 hour? I do want to get to my AirBnB before sunset and the drive takes about an hour from the waterfalls according to Google Maps.
3. Are there a lot of steps to go up to the main road from Odaru falls? The exit from the 3rd fall seems flatter so I may consider exiting there.
4. What is the most beautiful, unmissable part of the 7 waterfalls, in your opinion?

This is my 1st visit to Japan, and I'm so excited to travel to the area!
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
by RosefromSingapore  

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