
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Travel from Narita airport to Hakuba 2023/8/1 15:05
I am travelling to Japan in December and I'm trying to find information regarding the JR pass and if it will cover me for my itinerary over 19 days
Narita airport to Hakuba
Hakuba to Tokyo
Tokyo to Osaka
Osaka to Tokyo

Plus trains and buses around tokyo and Osaka. I am getting a lot of conflicting information depending which site I visit.
Has anyone done any of these trips before using JR pass?
by Kyle (guest)  

Re: Travel from Narita airport to Hakuba 2023/8/1 17:27
The JRP s going to increase its price from October through beards A LOT. so unless you can still buy it at the old price (details arenft yet clear) it is not going to pay off.
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