
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

National holidays September Tokyo 2023/9/3 19:32

I see that the 18th and the 23d of September are days off in Japan. I will be in Tokyo for the first one and in Kamakura for the second one. What should I expect? Will attractions be closed or maybe really crowded compared to usual? Thanks in advance for your insights.

by Maite (guest)  

Re: National holidays September Tokyo 2023/9/4 10:51
In Japan, except for the year-end and New Year holidays and summer vacation (some stores), shops and attractions are not closed on weekends and holidays (many shops are closed on weekdays).
I don't know if it will be very crowded, but it will be about as crowded as a normal weekend.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: National holidays September Tokyo 2023/9/4 11:55
23/Sep really is a normal Saturday. Yes, itfs a holiday, but most people donft work on Saturdays anyway.

18/Sep I wouldnft expect insane crowds either.

However if you plan to visit a place with opening hours in the 19/Sep you may want to check if it will be open. Eg many museums are closed on Monday, but if Monday is a holiday they will close on the Tuesday.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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