
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Can I get kazei shomeisho? 2023/9/8 23:53
Hi! I would like to ask if I can get a kazei shomeisho even if I only arrived here in Japan last December 2022. But I already started working January this year. I am about to renew my long term visa for the first time and preparing documents to be submitted and I am wondering if I might be able to obtain this one. If not, what documents should I get at city hall as supporting for my renewal? Thank you for answering
by Mics (guest)  

Re: Can I get kazei shomeisho? 2023/9/9 15:37
If you started working in January 2023, it will only be in the spring of 2024 you get the residentfs tax notice for the year 2023, so I donft think you can obtain any tax certificate now.
Maybe instead of that, you can show them your work contract and bank statement, or monthly payment slips?
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