
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Student visa to dependent visa 2023/9/19 12:07

I tried searching everywhere but could not get a proper answer. I am on a student visa until march 2024 while my (not Japanese) husband, who is also a student here, has a valid visa until 2026.
Can i apply as a dependent once my student visa runs out? My husband is studying at a japanese research college. Thank you.
by marie2023  

Re: Student visa to dependent visa 2023/9/19 22:08
So your course ends soon, I assume, and you are not enrolling in another year or two of additional courses to study?

As far as I know, you should be able to apply for ga change of resident statush from gstudenth to gdependenth - but please be sure:

(1) never to let your current status expire - please apply BEFORE it expires,

(2) you are able to show that you really are gdependenth on him - meaning you should be able to show he is receiving some allowance/some kind of salary (or has some savings which you share with him) so that you need to be with him in Japan.

(3) when you go to Immigration office, apply for ga change of resident status,h and not ga visa.h A gvisah is something you receive before you genterh Japan, so if you say you want to apply for a gdependent visa,h they might think that you do not want to continue to stay in Japan but apply for a new visa from outside Japan.
Best wishes.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Student visa to dependent visa 2023/9/20 09:36
Does you husband had some sort of semi permanent residence status? Or student resident status also?
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Student visa to dependent visa 2023/9/20 10:53
Thank you for the help!
My husband has a student status.
by marie2023 rate this post as useful

Re: Student visa to dependent visa 2023/11/22 12:58
What kind of visa your husband has? Which educational institution he is going to? Is it university? If so, is it Bachelorfs or Masterfs program? Does he work? If he works how much he earns? Does it allow to provide for two people?
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

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