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Can hepatitis B patient works in Japan? 2023/9/23 13:56
I have hepatitis B but it's not severe and I want to work in Japan
Please someone answer to my question
by Kophyu  

Re: Can hepatitis B patient works in Japan? 2023/9/23 21:51
Yes, you can have hepatitis B and still work in Japan.
It is against the law to deny employment just because of hepatitis B.
At the same time, you don't have to tell your employer that you have hepatitis B. It's not one's duty to report it.

Whether you can find work here in Japan is a whole different story. You cannot just come here on a tourist visa and earn money.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Can hepatitis B patient works in Japan? 2023/9/25 14:39
I don't really understand your question. You're talking about a private matter about yourself and wondering if you can work here with that condition? That's like asking, "if I have diabetes, can I work in Japan?" There are plenty of people who have these issues and still work.

Just keep it to yourself. You don't need to announce to the world of any private matters you have. If anything, I would first find what kind of job you're looking for and apply. I don't even think that companies can ask you about private medical information like that when you're getting hired anyway.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can hepatitis B patient works in Japan? 2023/9/25 20:28
probably no one here in this forum, except for Japanese students, may know that applicants (job seekers) show their health check document, written by a medical doctor, to companies. therefore, they are expected to be healthy, when they are hired as REAL 正社員.

for getting a medical check document, you need to pay some money, when you get it from a hospital or a clinic. almost all students, who are in the final grade in universities, take regular health check performed by university. if do so, university issues medical check document by FREE.

in any way, after hired, employers must do medical checks for employees at least once a year or twice per year (depending on the jobs). employers will know employee's diseases.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can hepatitis B patient works in Japan? 2023/9/25 21:48
The link below is just some Japanese language information to back up what I wrote previously. It says that employers are not to do hepatitis B tests on their employees-to-be, and even if the employers find out about the health condition, it is against the law to reject employment just because of that.

by Uco rate this post as useful

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