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Inheritance 2023/10/6 01:19
We bought an apartment in Osaka. When we pass on, will the kids have to pay a huge tax or will it be a sound inheritance not a burden?
by Melinda (guest)  

Re: Inheritance 2023/10/6 06:10
Japan has very high inheritance taxes even between parents and children. If it is a valuable house/land, your kids will have to pay a lot of taxes.

Here are some details, but it gets more complicated if multiple people are involved:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Inheritance 2023/10/6 09:22
Also note that a lot of housing in Japan don't last long enough to be inherited, and apartments in particular lose its value greatly in less than a decade.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Inheritance 2023/10/6 09:58
The url Uji posted has one big mistake.

3. million yen + (6 million yen ~ the number of statutory heirs)

3. is wrong. It should be 30. So if you have 2 children and one spouse, the basic deduction for inheritance tax shoud be 48 million yen.

Actually about 9% of the cases (the deceased) pays the inheritance tax while 91% don't pay at all. If you have two children and have less than 48 million yen, your children will not pay at all.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Inheritance 2023/10/9 16:37

Thanks for the information about inheritance taxes in Japan. This is definitely something to be aware of if you have assets in Japan and are planning on passing them on to your children. It is also important to keep in mind that Japanese inheritance tax laws are complex and there are a number of factors that can affect the amount of tax you owe.
by anthonyb989 rate this post as useful

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