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Turning COE into Student Visa in S. Korea 2023/10/10 18:21
Hi all,

I'm in a somewhat unusual situation here with my COE. Currently I'm waiting to get it back in early November, but due to some difficult circumstances, I'm having to move to Korea to be with my family before I can get it back.

The COE is being sent to my family's home address in South Korea, and while I'm aware of the restriction of having to turn the COE into a student visa in either a country of residence or a country of citizenship, I've been informed by my language school and relatives living in Japan that I should be able to have it processed at the South Korean embassy.

I am a US citizen, but I was born in Seoul, South Korea (had to give up my Korean citizenship as a teen when forced to choose between it and my US passport), my parents currently reside here in a home they own, and my mother is a Korean national. I've listed my parents' home as my permanent address on my application, as I will no longer have a US address by the time I get my COE.

While I'm prepared for the worst case scenario of having to fly back to get my COE done here, I was curious to get input and advice on the viability of having it processed at the Japanese embassy in Seoul instead due to my family's residency status and my own background.

Thanks much in advance for any comments or advice!

by Jason (guest)  

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