
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Nagano (in late November) 2023/10/25 22:07
Hello everyone,

Our trip is fast approaching and I have one last component I am struggling to sort out. We have the last two days of November set aside in Matsumoto where we were hoping to get to see the Japanese Alps and other mountains around that area. I have now realised some of the roads are closed from November and sadly the shinhotaka ropeway is closed for maintenance the two days we are there.

As such, I am hoping to get some guidance or recommendations on good scenic spots or routes around that area for late November to early December. I am aware we are unlikely to see snow or fall foilage given we are going there inbetween seasons.

Thank you in advance for any help. This forum has been such a help in planning a somewhat daunting trip!
by mrfroggreen  

Re: Nagano (in late November) 2023/10/26 07:43
Matsumoto itself is nice with the castle. A scenic spot could be Suwa lake. And seeing the mountains behind Hakuba with snow on n them is also scenic. I was impressed by the first snow there a few weeks ago so by end November there is going to be more snow.

If instead you are thinking more of the Nagano area, Nagano itself has several attractions, Lake Nojiri is scenic as are the shrines in Tokagushi. Obuse is a nice village with interesting art and Shibu onsen is a nice onsen village including the snow monkeys (which are also reasonably nice w/o snow)

There are obviously more options.
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