
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/1 23:36
Hello and greetings to all of you. Just like the title said, is it possible to obtain Narita Express one way ticket (using JR Pass) from Tokyo downtown to Narita airport? and also is it possible to obtain the ticket outside Narita Airport (for example, in major station such as Shinjuku/Tokyo station)?

Thank you in advance.
by winterguriel  

Re: Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/2 09:28
If you have the Japan Rail Pass, you do not need a ticket to ride the NEX! All you need is a seat reservation, which you can make at ticket machines or ticket offices all across Japan.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/2 17:06

What i mean by this is, I want to activate my JR Pass later in the next few days, so I'm not going to use NEX when I arrived. Is it possible to get the reservation in downtown Tokyo after I activate the JR pass later?
by winterguriel rate this post as useful

Re: Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/2 17:25
Yes, it is possible. Once you have your JR Pass, you can use it to reserve tickets anywhere in Japan, even if it starts later. For example, let's say your JR Pass will be valid from the 6th to the 13th of November. Let's say you got your JR Pass today. Dates of validity are written on it. You can use it today to book a ticket next week, either at a ticket office or using a machine, in any station in Japan.
by Vienna Logan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/2 22:20
@Vienna Logan

I assume this also applies on NEX ticket? thank you very much!
by winterguriel rate this post as useful

Re: Using JR Pass to obtain one way NEX ticket 2023/11/3 05:37
If you buy your Japan Rail Pass through the official website, you can start making reservations online right after purchase and before you pick up your actual pass in Japan.

If you buy your Japan Rail Pass through a travel agent, then you won't be able to make seat reservations until after you get your actual pass in Japan. Once you have your actual pass, then you can make seat reservations for any JR train, including the NEX, from any JR station in Japan.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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