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Canft decide on a city 2023/11/8 18:49
Hello, ifm gonna go to University in Japan and if i donft get accepted ifll just go to language school. But i canft seem to decide on which city.

Ifm not feeling to great about Tokyo because of how crowded it is and expensive but at the same time i feel like ifd have easier time finding jobs once i graduate.

My heart is with Fukuoka and Sapporo, especially Fukuoka seems great but again ifm worried about the job opportunities and locals that donft have much knowledge about English since i donft have many Japanese knowledge at the moment.

I am also not great with very very hot weather and Tokyo seems extremely humid during summer time.

Note: Ifve never experienced any of these cities before, ifve never been to Japan.
by Bb (guest)  

Re: Canft decide on a city 2023/11/9 07:31
You are overwhelming yourself by worrying too much about things that are too long into the future. Take one step at a time.

Visit many cities first, then decide which city suits you. Sometimes you donft have a choice - you have to go where the job (or school) is.

For now, concentrate on getting accepted by a school.

by kamahen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Canft decide on a city 2023/11/9 07:59
Obviously if visiting Japan before deciding on which university/language school you want to go is an option that would be best. If not:
- English capability of locals: isnft good in Tokyo either. Which is ggoodh because it means you can practice your Japanese every day.
- Heat: both Tokyo and Fukuoka get hot and humid in the summer. For me thatfs about 3 months that I hardly can do any strenuous outside activities. Sapporo isnft that hot nor humid. However Sapporo gets meters of snow every winter for weeks. Which isnft bad, but Tokyo and Fukuoka donft get any snow to speak of.
- prices: yes, Tokyo is more expensive than the other two. So as a student choosing Tokyo requires more budget
- jobs: for student jobs you should be able to find something in all3 cities.
- jobs: once you graduate from university (actuyaboit a year before) youfll start job hunting. At that moment you will know Japan good enough to know if you want to live in Tokyo or not. It is very typical that new graduates move to Tokyo or Osaka. In my old company they all got a month of training in Osaka and the company paid a hotel for them before they were sent to their final destination Tokyo or Osaka. So yes a lot of people are moving to start lives in new cities on 1/Apr.

In conclusion either you select your univybased on where you want to live but if you canft come to Japan before to travel around this might be difficult. Or you select it based on the schools reputation and your likely ability to get admitted.
Regarding language schools there are many options. I have heard good things though about a famous one in Fukuoka (canft remember the name now)

I personally only ever lived in /around Tokyo and do like it here. So when I moved back to Japan 1,5 years ago and my boss asked me if I wanted Tokyo or Osaka I decided again for Tokyo although I love Kansai (but dislike Osaka) and although rent in Tokyo is considerably higher than in Osaka and ridiculously higher than in letfs say Nara. I have not regretted the decision.

Btw there are more cities than Tokyo , Fukuoka and Sapporo. :-) yes, Kyoto/Nara in summer are even hotter than Tokyo. But they are nice places to be and live.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Canft decide on a city 2023/11/10 19:11
Hello, i'm sorry i didn't get notification email to this thread! And yes, of course i know there are other cities :-) But i just feel... close to them if that makes sense and i love their vibe.
I don't wanna pick Kyoto because i've heard it isn't really a great experience to live as foreigners, but only good to be a tourist for a short time visit. I really love the vibe of the Kyoto though, it's been my dream to visit it for a long time but i kind of lost my excitement and enthusiasm after hearing comments like that about it.

Sadly, i can not visit them first before coming there because that would take too much of my budget since i'm only a student and i've been saving long time to come there. And i don't worry too much about getting accepted into school because as i said, if i don't get accepted i'll just come for a language school so i'll be coming regardless. But i still wanna have a good experience while i'm there and enjoy the beautiful city and scenery.
by bbbsf (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Canft decide on a city 2023/11/10 20:29
Well, if budget is a major consideration Tokyo isnft the place to go. Look into rents in Sapporo or Fukuoka. Or even other towns. As said Nara is surprisingly cheap. And Ifd guess that cities such as Fukui or Aomori or many other provincial capitals / major provincial cities are cheaper than Fukuoka and Sapporo.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Canft decide on a city 2023/11/11 00:32
You really should look up schools before you get your heart attached to a particular city. What schools have the best or most appealing programs? What schools do you have a realistic shot at getting accepted to?

If your goal is really to stay in Japan, you should be focusing your attention on getting the best education first and foremost. Even if your focus is on traveling around while studying, you will still be limited by where the schools are.

I'd say find the schools first and then see where they are. Your actual options may produce a different set of options than your wishlist, but lots of places are interesting and fun to live and study. You may also be rejected from some places which will narrow your choices.
by Rabbityama rate this post as useful

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