Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Sapporo Teine 2023/11/11 03:40
Good day, my family and I are planning to visit Sapporo Teine on December 3, 2023 and would want to know how to get there. Is the JR bus available for us on that date? How do we make advance booking for Sapporo Teine lift passes with round trip bus ticket. Thank you
by Popope  

Re: Sapporo Teine 2023/11/11 11:14
please google it before you ask.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sapporo Teine 2023/11/11 12:01
Thank you. for your response. Now how do I get there since the bus is only available starting December 9? Thank you
by Popope rate this post as useful

Re: Sapporo Teine 2023/11/11 12:28
the ski resort is not open yet.
bus schedule is not decided yet. last year, it was announced on Dec. 1 and was started on Dec. 10.

by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sapporo Teine 2023/11/14 06:27
You can definitely use a taxi (expensive) or hire car if the buses from Teine Station up to the mountain aren't operational for the coming season. But if the resort isn't yet open then you are out of luck.
If they aren't yet open there's Kiroro and Kokusai that can be accessed by public transport but again they'll need to have opened.
Webcams from Kiroro and Teine already look promising so good chance they all be open by December 3. However, being so early in the season conditions can be fickle and there will be a risk of delayed opening
by Boutros Bourtos ghali (guest) rate this post as useful

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