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Best way to go to Gujo Hachiman Castle
2023/11/13 19:08
Dear All, I am planning go to Gujo Hachiman Castle in December 28th, kindly inform the best best way to get there.
I just read some information that Hachiman Castle close from December 20th to January 10th, is it true? ( the information as below )
Hours and Fees
Hours 9:00 to 17:00 (March to May and September to October) 8:00 to 18:00 (June to August) 9:00 to 16:30 (November to February)
Closed December 20 to January 10
Best Regards, Al Henry
by Al Henry (guest)
Re: Best way to go to Gujo Hachiman Castle
2023/11/14 16:04
Thanks for your information.
Can I make day trip from Kanazawa to Takayama, is that possible? Tks
by Al Henry (guest)
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