
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Bringing birth control pills into Japan 2023/11/14 03:58
I am coming to Japan in December and will be staying for a number of months, I currently take birth control pills and so was planning to being 6 months supply with me too make sure I donft run out.
Would I be pulled up for this at customs and if so what would be done about it? Would they be okay about it or would it be taken off me or worse.
by Lucy (guest)  

Re: Bringing birth control pills into Japan 2023/11/14 09:07
Anything more than one month would require gYunyu Kakunin-shoh (importation certificate)


Also double check if the medicine you going to bring does not contain restricted/ban substance.

Would I be pulled up for this at customs and if so what would be done about it? Would they be okay about it or would it be taken off me or worse.
That is for the Customs to decide, what they will do depends on how you act/explains etc. No one can guarantee the outcome.
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