
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

90 + 90 days tourist visa from Norway 2023/11/14 09:26
Hi, I'm from Norway who is currently in Japan and got some question about the 180 days tourist visa.

Short story about my stay in Japan 2023 tourist visa.

2023 April 20 days.

2023 October = came to Japan and currently there.

I'm planning to go to Korea for like 2-3 stay in the mid December and return to Japan= brings me to a total 60 days ish in Japan.

When I return from Korea I plan on staying until the end of February (I got a ticket home).

This would bring me a total of 150 days in Japan.

My question is, doing this so called visa run to Korea, is this risky for me? If I do get questioned, what is the best answer to give them regarding being a tourist in Japan.

I have enough funding as well and I don't work (got passive income) I'm usually exploring Japan, being with my GF and friends.

I'm staying at a friend's house.

I'm not doing anything illegal but I'm afraid that immigration will suspicious me for doing the visa run.

Thank you
by NorwayD (guest)  

Re: 90 + 90 days tourist visa from Norway 2023/11/15 08:28
Not a visa run. Each trip covered by visa waiver program. Absolutely no issue about the number of days.
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