Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 14:47
Going to Japan in two weeks time. I lived in Nagoya in the mid 1990s, and have travelled back to Japan about 15 times - but have never seen anything more than the base of the great mountain. I want to break the curse this time!
We will be one night in Hakone and two nights in Tokyo. If we donft get a clear day in Hakone but do in Tokyo, from which tall building in Tokyo provides the best view of Fuji? I have heard some differing views on this.
by Matt P (guest)  

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 17:38
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bldg in Shinjuku. The observation deck is free. Mt Fuji is viewable on very clear days only.

by ITO (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 18:10
Thanks ITO!
Related question - when it IS a very clear day, is Fuji a small speck on the horizon when viewed from the building, or is it a bit better than that?
In some of the online photos I have seen it appears that Fuji is quite large when viewed from Tokyo, but perhaps some of those are a manipulation?
Basically my question boils down to - is it worth going up the building for a view of Fuji if the weather cooperatesc. Or not
by Matt P (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 18:38
Mt. Fuji can be seen from various parts of Greater Tokyo. Even from commuter trains or hills in residential areas. Where would you be staying? If you're staying in Shinjuku, I agree with the other poster.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 19:45
December is the second best month to see Mt Fuji from Tokyo Metropolotan building, while the best month is January.

This data is for 9 AM, which is a good time of the day (morning is better).

This photo seems to be realistic. It is not a big view but for me it was impressive (I saw it from a hotel in Ikebukuro some 30 years ago). You will see Mt Fuji beyond the Tanzawa mountain which is about 1500 m high so you can not see the base of Mt Fuji.

You can see the realtime image from Tokyo Metropolotan building.

by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/23 21:34
Mt Fuji can be seen from thousands of places around Tokyo
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 04:22
Very helpful thank you Frog!
by Matt P (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 08:51
It is at the edge of Tokyo, but I have seen Mount Fuji from Mount Takao.
A One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji from Kanto Area Site
I've never been there, but Bunkyo Point Park Civic Center Tenbo Lounge looks good too.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 08:54
~ Tenbo Lounge¨ZObservatory Lounge
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 13:17
You have been in Japan 16 times and have only ever seen the "base."
Did you only look on cloudy days??
by couldabeen rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 16:05
As I said I lived in Nagoya, and when we go back we tend to visit Nagoya (family) and Kansai.
I have been to Tokyo 5-6 times, for perhaps a total of 10-12 days. And usually outside winter (when the weather is clearer and views of Fuji are better).
So yes, whether in Tokyo or travelling to or from Tokyo via shinkansen I have unluckily never seen more than the base of Fuji. The mid to upper parts of the mountain have always been in cloud.
Hopefully I am lucky this time.
by Matt P (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 18:24
Fuji from my apartment, on the train, from many spots around Tokyo - there are hundreds. Fuji is even visible from Nagoya!
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Best view of Mt Fuji from Tokyo 2023/11/24 20:24
Fuji is even visible from Nagoya!

Are you sure? If you are, I seriously would like to know how, because that's the one thing I miss every time I visit the city.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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