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Kawazu Nanadaru Falls
2024/1/2 19:09
I want to bring my friends to Kawazu Nanadaru Falls. Originally planning to drive then park at the carpark near Mizudare Bus Stop. Then walk down the promenade passing the falls from Kama-daru until Deai-daru. Once done catch bus 50 back up to our car. However I see now that the paths between Kama-daru until Hebi-daru involve lots of steps. Even downwards, 1-2 of my friends would be having issues due to knee problems. Actually more problem with long downwards climbing. So I thought may be better if we start our trail from Shokei-daru down till Deai-daru, as I read Shokei-daru is the easiest to access amongst all the seven falls. My questions: 1. How do I walk from Mizudare Bus Stop/carpark to the entrance of Shokei-daru? Google Map is showing me the long way. 2. Is there another parking nearer to the entrance to Shokei-daru? 3. I keep reading the upper bus stop name ‘Mizudare’, [水渡], however when I checked Google Map it’s known as ‘Kawazu Seven Waterfalls Promenade Upper Entrance’ [河津七滝遊歩道上入口]. Which name is correct? Which name should I tell the bus driver?
by Melanie Putra
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