
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Half Japanese 2024/1/23 00:14
Hello I have Japanese passport, I want to try to live and work in Japan but I don't have relative there to live and I don't speak nihongo? is there any assistance I can ask for inquiry on how will I live in Japan as a starter? thank you.
by caroline honda (guest)  

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/23 17:36
Your Japanese parent would be a good start.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 00:37
Are you an adult? Asking because we get a lot of questions of minors who want to go to Japanese high school. Which is complicated even with a Japanese passport as you need a guardian and a school that accepts you plus the language barrier.

by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 08:49
What is so difficult? Adulting your way to Japan..
How old are you ? What are you doing at your current place now?
What is your qualification/education background?

You are already like 91% better off that other foreigner(who need to apply for visa and stuff) to get into Japan. You can just hop on a plane today and eating ramen at Harajuku.

I don't have relative there to live and I don't speak nihongo?
So..most foreigner come with nothing but at least they survive.
In this day of 'dumbperson'phone app, language barrier is just a push of a button.

Do you even have any slightest idea about Japan? Even from anime/youtube?

Be more specific with your question and provide some supporting info, so that people here can
spoon feed you.

by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 10:13
The previous poster sounds like they're from a privileged background.

Most people in this world do not have to resources to just hop on a plane and just start living life in another country without help from family, employer, or government.

If you actually came here with nothing, please share your experience. How did you survive your first few months without money, family, friends, or job?

I don't know anyone who came here with nothing and no help. That sounds daunting but I guess some people can do it.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 13:43
Read between the line .. it's about visa
You are already like 91% better off that other foreigner(who need to apply for visa and stuff)

Bureacratic wise, OP can just hop on plane and fly into Japan because OP have Japanese passport, no need to apply and wait for visa and stuff for working/residing.

Whether OP has money/capable of doing that I don't know coz OP didn't mention shot about anything ...

by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 14:08
I agree with the pp - the OP can get on a plane and travel to Japan without all the right to reside that most people start "can I live in Japan . . ." threads.
If they are a minor, then they have problems. If an adult, be an adult. Asking for advice - fine, but more that is a pretty fundamental detail (minor or adult). You want to work, so I'll assume an adult - what field? Have you looked at Japan recruitment sites?
You don't speak Japanese, you can survive without it. Yes, it makes things harder, but it is your choice to go to a country to live where you not speak/read/write the local language. I don't speak Japanese, I manage.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/24 18:24
So you had an employer or family member help you get a visa and support your way into Japan. That is a big help. You didn't adult your way here all on your own.

The OP's situation is probably more difficult than yours. A JP passport isn't a golden ticket if you have nothing else.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Half Japanese 2024/1/25 07:32
Personally I did not have an employer to sponsor a visa or a family member, so my route here is a bit different from many.
The OP has a Japanese passport meaning they have a right to live/work in Japan. That is a huge advantage over those that don't.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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