
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Switching from Dependent to HSP through EOR 2024/2/3 12:39
Hi everyone!

So my partner (will be my husband before we move) currently has an offer to work at a Japanese university starting this summer. He hasn't accepted it yet because we are trying to figure things out on my end. I currently work a full-time job and would like to continue doing so while in Japan. I am aware of EORs and how they sponsor work visas, so my company is currently exploring the process for that. However, I still have a few visa-related questions.

1. When he applies for my COE for my dependent visa, must I be unemployed?
2. For people who've done it, how long has it taken you to switch from a dependent to a work visa? Realistically, I would like to get back to work ASAP, but I know I can only move as fast as the government does.
3. When applying for a chance of status from dependent to work, will I have to submit another COE application? Due to my job, I am aiming for an HSP visa and I know part of the COE application process is the points verification form, but I'm unsure if that requires a whole new application or just providing supplementary paperwork with the change of status request.

Thank y'all for taking the time to read this, I'd appreciate any and all insight!
by KC (guest)  

Re: Switching from Dependent to HSP through EOR 2024/2/4 13:00

1. When he applies for my COE for my dependent visa, must I be unemployed?

—> in your current country you can still be employed. But not yet in Japan. I got a few years ago dependent visa. I vaguely remember that you can apply to work parttime on dependent visa (to potential other posters: residence status, but colloquially called visa). But I donft try that.

2. For people who've done it, how long has it taken you to switch from a dependent to a work visa? Realistically, I would like to get back to work ASAP, but I know I can only move as fast as the government does.

—> when I was on dependent visa I found work in Japan (actually a company found me. I wasnft searching yet). It was a medium sized Japanese company and they had experience with visa applications. I remember it took about 1 months to get the work residence permit. I got it for 5 years. No problem. Just some documents from the company and a few from me. Went to Shinagawa immigration office applied and about a month later had my new residence permit.

3. When applying for a chance of status from dependent to work, will I have to submit another COE application?
—> I donft think that it is technically called COE: but yes youfll need to submit again some documents. Eg a contract from your employer, some information from your company (they will give you all this), your university degree (self translated is fine) and potentially a few other documents. You get all the docs and go to the immigration office. At Shinagawa there is now a way to reserve an appointment. I tried that a few months ago when I applied for permanent residency but somehow the system didnft work that day. But the wait wasnft bad. Maybe 20-30 min. Much shorter than getting my drivers license which took an entire morning.

Due to my job, I am aiming for an HSP visa and I know part of the COE application process is the points verification form, but I'm unsure if that requires a whole new application or just providing supplementary paperwork with the change of status request.
—> I left Japan 2017 and came back in 2022 on HSP. Applying from outside of Japan. But based on my experience with the dependent to work visa switch Ifd say that for dependent to HSP it will be similar. Youfll need to prepare all the documents for HSP.

If you think about it the theory is easy:
- for the dependent visa what you show to the Japanese administration is that you PARTNER has a job and money and will be able to sustain you and that he/she has obligations to you because you are married. But you donft show to the government anything about yourself.
- for a work visa/ residence status you need to show that you by yourself fulfill the criteria for that visa/residence category. So depending on which category you apply for those are different documents.
- for HSP the same. You need to show to the government that you fulfill the criteria. So you need proof of each your points. Generally that will be a contract with your employer stating your salary, your university degree/ PhD , and then other things if you have to increase your points (JLPT N2 or N1, patents, publications, c). You gonlyh need 70 or 80 points. Depending on your age , education status (eg PhD) and salary thatfs actually quite easy.

It is daunting at first, but actually not that complicated. The main thing is that youfll need to find a job. Then that company often will help you with all the documents. Some (like my current company) will also hire an agency to do the application for you.

Last year after 1,5 years on HSP I applied for PR. Still waiting for results but the theory was the same. What you already proved to the authorities you donft need to proof again. (So no need to show all the documents I had for my 80 points) you gjusth need to add new documents. Which in case of PR is a long list of mainly financial stability documents.

Best of luck!
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Switching from Dependent to HSP through EOR 2024/2/5 06:50
Thank you so much for the in-depth answer! It's good to know that they're just going to look at his status at the time of COE application and not mine, gives me a few extra weeks to work! :) I appreciate the help and reassurance!
by KC (guest) rate this post as useful

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