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How do I continue my studies in Japan? 2024/2/14 00:18
Hi! I am a Filipino student and am currently in grade 9. I am planning to continue my studies in Japan. I am not fluent in Japanese but I will try to learn the basics. May I know the procedures and requirements to enroll in a school?
by Miel (guest)  

Re: How do I continue my studies in Japan? 2024/2/14 08:01
There are no options to continue your high school studies in Japan. From the info you have given.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I continue my studies in Japan? 2024/2/14 08:46

Yet another post about doing high school in Japan. Go through above links which have many posts related to high school in Japan.

First and foremost, if you a minor, non-Japanese descendant, non-resident status parent/legal guardian, chances of high school full time is almost ZERO. Exchange program maybe ...
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I continue my studies in Japan? 2024/2/14 12:04
「I am a Filipino student and am currently in grade 9. I am planning to continue my studies in Japan. I am not fluent in Japanese but I will try to learn the basics. 」

If you're hoping to go to a Japanese high school as a regular, full-time high school student, you're going to need to know a lot more than "the basics." Ask yourself this: if someone were to ask you "I don't yet know how to speak even basic English or Tagalog, but I want to go to high school in the Philippines," would that sound like a reasonable plan to you?

If as far as you've gotten in learning Japanese is a plan to eventually put some effort into learning the basics, you're many, many years off from being able to attend regular classes in Japan. For now, I'd instead look for limited-time exchange student programs run though your current school or community, and focus more on learning Japanese in the Philippines so that you have a shot at attending a university or language school program in Japan when you're older.
by . . . . (guest) rate this post as useful

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