
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Onsen in central Tokyo 2024/2/16 22:38
Last time in Japan I stayed at a hotel that had their own onsen on the roof floor. Located in Tokyo. Not sure if I can visit the same bath again being a non staying guest.

I know of Oedo onsen monogatari but they won't allow people with tattoos.
by Point (guest)  

Re: Onsen in central Tokyo 2024/2/17 07:19
Oedo onsen monogatari closed a long time ago.

With a tattoo in Tokyo your best bet is a sento rather than a super sento.

There are many across town. For me it works to just look for gonsenh on google maps in a relatively small area and I find several.

I am actually heading tonight to this one in Shinagawa which even has a rotenburo, real onsen water and allows tattoos.

But there are many more everywhere across town.

I personally like super sentos generally better but nearly all of them have a strict no tattoos policy.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Onsen in central Tokyo 2024/2/17 07:45
What is a super sento? Thsnks for the reply too
by Point (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Onsen in central Tokyo 2024/2/17 08:14
A sento is a small neighborhood bath. Often w/o a rotenburo and generally using heated water rather than onsen water (exceptions apply)
A super sento is bigger has a lot more pools, has (several ) rotenburo and either uses heated water or a combination of onsen and heated water. It also generally has a restaurant and otger facilities (manga room, hairdresser, massage, relax roomc). They can often be in very ugly parts of a town that are easy to reach by car/ public transport and you can easily spend several hours there
Here an example: https://www.ousama2603.com/shop/ooimachi/bath.html

Generally speaking at supersentos itfs unlikely youfll be able to go with a tattoo (unless you can cover it) at sentos your chance is higher.
The line between the two is somewhat fluid.

The oedo monogatari was a supersento.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Onsen in central Tokyo 2024/2/17 08:27
I went to a bath in Shodoshima near the olive garden, had sauna, outdoor bath, yacuci like bath etc. Not sure what that is. I went in with a small tattoo but no one seemed to bother. Mostly older men there, locals I suppose.

I get the feeling middle class families not from the area are more bothered by tattoos than other, but it might be a miss conception.

The sento (?) near Sakurajima ferry was clearly mentioning no tattoos though but it was okay covered Up
by Point (guest) rate this post as useful

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