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Travel from Kanazawa to Takayama to Kyoto 2024/3/3 14:14
I'd love to visits Kanazawa then Shirakawa-go and on to Takayama. From their go to Tsumago-juku before going to Tokyo. Any advice on local transport (train/bus) or maybe rental car. Anyone done this trip in either direction? Whats most efficient way? Thanks.
by AnnaPaul  

Re: Travel from Kanazawa to Takayama to Kyoto 2024/3/4 00:54
The only destination that introduces small complications is Tsumago, because there is no convenient connection from Takayama. Your options are exlained here:

Except for the Takayama-Tsumago part, public transportation is relatively quick and frequent, and a rental car is not necessary, although it can be cheaper if you travel in a group. It is better not to use a rental car during the winter.
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