
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Using Tokyo Wide Pass during Golden Week 2024 2024/3/12 09:35
My partner and I are visitors from Australia in the mature age group.

Without realising it was Golden Week, we have confirmed accommodation not far from Tokyo station from Saturday 27 April (arrival from Honolulu, USA) to Saturday 4 May departure home to Melbourne, Australia.

We are public transport user and plan to do three separate day trips on the Tokyo Wide Pass. The primary trip is to ride the Fujikyuko railway and see Mount Fuji - from a distance. A second day trip will be to Utsonomiya and, hopefully, Nikko. The third day is flexible.

So, I am seeking advice on which of the three consecutive days in the period Sunday 28 April to 3 May would be best to use our Tokyo Wide Pass and which of these three days should we plan the Mount Fuji trip?

Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions.
by Gunzel99 (guest)  

Re: Using Tokyo Wide Pass during Golden Week 2024 2024/3/13 01:34
I did that last year, though with a full JR Pass. It is an excellent time to go see the shibazakura. In my case, it was standing room only on the Fujikyu train for an hour - there was a slower local train that may have been less crowded, but time was short for me, so I put up with the sardine can train (I had to pay for the Fujikyu train; you don't with the Tokyo Wide Pass). I was highly rewarded for my efforts, seeing what you can in the picture below.

Not everyone is so lucky with the weather though. So as to which day to go, you might want to keep your schedule flexible and wait until you start the pass, then check the weather forecasts as well as some live webcams on youtube to see if you can see Mt Fuji I did.
As for your 3rd day of the Tokyo Wide Pass, you could see another gem that only shows itself during Golden Week - the wisteria at the Ashikaga Flower Park. Or the nemophila at the Hitachi Seaside Park is also magnificent.

Some other options are Karuizawa, Kamakura, or going to Izu (though you can't take the bullet train there with the pass). The Jogasaki Coast & Mt Omuro are quite nice.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Using Tokyo Wide Pass during Golden Week 2024 2024/3/13 09:02
The trip to Fuji is not very expensive and if you are planning on Nikko, you can do that for half the price by avoiding JR. If Utsunomia is your destination, then the TWP will work, but it is an expensive option unless you have another long day-trip.
As for Nikko in GW - I avoid the area on weekends and holidays (same would go for the Fuji area.)
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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