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What Halloween celebrations in Tokyo/Osaka? 2024/4/25 05:44
Hi Ifm going Tokyo October 21st for 6 nights then Osaka on 28th for 3 nights. Is there any Halloween celebrations of any kind in this period of time?? Does USJ do any themed things. Any other general places/things you recommend regarding Halloween.

by Nicole (guest)  

Re: What Halloween celebrations in Tokyo/Osaka? 2024/4/25 14:13
Yes, there are usually themes for Halloween related stuff around that time, though it mostly would take place at some sort of event that is specific, unless it were Halloween day/night where people dress up and go to parties and whatnot. Are you trying to attend a Halloween party or something of that sort? There is a group called "whynot? Japan." I'm not sure if they host parties all of in Japan or not, but definitely that time of year for Halloween is when it's most busy.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What Halloween celebrations in Tokyo/Osaka? 2024/4/25 21:14
Yes, usually there are some kind of events being held. But since the Shibuya Halloween got out of hand, organizers have become extremely cautious about announcing any event, and we won't know for sure until the date comes closer.

But USJ seems to be scheduling one for 2024, and is doing auditions.

Here are some examples of past events in Tokyo

and at USJ

I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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