Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

mistake from buying advance the revenue stamp 2024/5/7 21:56
i would like to ask, its my first time renewing my visa and i made a mistake. i just apply my visa and i bought the revenue stamp (even i didnt received the post)and paid the 4000 yen. i would like to ask if i can still use that stamp on the day when im getting the new residence card or not? im still confuse.

thank you for answering.
by ann (guest)  

Re: mistake from buying advance the revenue stamp 2024/5/8 08:04
of course, you can use it. expiry date is unlimited.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mistake from buying advance the revenue stamp 2024/5/8 10:55
I did the same thing and bought it early on and couldn't use it the same day. You can use it any time once you get your visa. Just keep it in a place where it won't get wet or stuck to something and you'll be fine.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

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