Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/7 23:25
When leaving Japan, we always ask the hotel to book us a taxi to the airport (Haneda). However, I noticed that for the next trip, I've booked a hotel who don't seem to offer this service to their guests at all. As we'll be travelling with four suitcases plus hand luggage, I'd rather not rely on standing at the street corner waiting for a free taxi, but would like to pre-book one. Any ideas how this can be done without an app (as we won't have a Japanese phone number)?
by Sari (guest)  

Re: Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/8 09:27
You can phone a taxi company (or driver) in advance to book. For example, if you're using a taxi upon arrival, from the airport to get to your hotel, you can ask that driver for details. Or you can ask for details at a tourist information center while you're touring. You can also book taxis by not using a smartphone app but by using a computer.

Below is a Google search result on "booking taxi in english japan" where you can see some booking sites as well:
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/8 18:27
Thank you, Uco!
by Sari (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/10 06:32
Sorry to ask, but is it the case that calling a taxi is just not listed on the hotel website/listing, or have they told you they definitely won't do it? Admittedly I don't stay in super budget hotels, but equally I'm usually in 3* hotels, so far from the fanciest. I've never had a problem with asking the front desk to call a taxi and one arriving within 10 minutes. They likely get a small kickback from the taxi company which would explain why they are usually so happy to do so! Unless you're staying in a hotel so automated that there isn't a physical person present, I'd see the refusal to call a taxi as a bit of a red flag.
by Orangezorki rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/12 23:07
@ Orangezorki - this is a fairly new (apparently) 4* hotel and I didn't even think that ordering a taxi would be an issue, but I read some reviews where the hotel actually confirmed that it is their policy not to do this (or assist the customers with booking restaurants etc). I was very surprised, and I am actually considering looking for an alternative, as I would definitely expect this kind of service from a 4* hotel.
by Sari (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Ginza to Haneda 2024/8/13 03:14
Thanks for replying - and reassuring that you also feel that the refusal is very odd. Nevertheless, it could just be one grumpy concierge or a rule that was put in at some time or for some reason that they are now slow or reluctant to change.
by Orangezorki rate this post as useful

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