Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!
Wheelchair hire Tokyo
2024/9/27 19:48
Hello, we are travelling from the USA to visit Tokyo and need to hire a wheelchair. Does anyone have any good recommendations for websites that let you book online? When we were in the UK this summer we used is there something similar in Tokyo? I found but this looks like just a basic form, I don't know if I can trust it? Thank you!
by bab54
Re: Wheelchair hire Tokyo
2024/9/28 17:49
Thank you for these
It's a shame I can't just book and pay, looks like I will have to send an inquiry and do a bunch of back and forward with the company.
I'm, sure out of the list you provided there is one that will help me out, thanks again!
by bab54
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