Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Do something backwards 2024/10/23 23:44
Hello everyone,
as a karate practitioner I practice the various kata in the normal version, called omote and in the "opposite" version, called ura. i.e. if the omote kata starts with a movement to the left, the ura kata will starts by going to the right.

However, kata can also be practiced in reverse, that is, from the end to the beginning, starting from the last technique going back to the first. What would you call this way? I seem to remember it being called kono, or something similar, but I'm not sure.

Extra questions :)
What is the correct kanji for omote? 表 or 面 ?
To say ura is this correct 裏 ?
What kanji would be used to say from the end to the beginning ?

by Gio-san (guest)  

Re: Do something backwards 2024/10/27 18:24
Omote in that sense would be 表. (面 is used when referring to the face.)

I can’t think of the word to mean reverse…
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Do something backwards 2024/10/27 21:32
good morning

in karate, it is 表(おもて)omote
and 裏(うら)ura
such as 逃れの呼吸 (表)and 逃れの呼吸 (裏)
甲取り(表)and 甲取り(裏)

by anastasia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Do something backwards 2024/11/4 18:51
Thanks for your replies about omote and ura.

What about the main request: how to say "do something reverse, from the end to the beginning" ?
by Gio-san (guest) rate this post as useful

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