Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Suica usage in Nagoya & Shizuoka 2024/11/2 15:21
Hello again, :)

We plan to visit Nagoya & Shizuoka in late May 2025.
in Nagoya, we're going to AEON Mall Nagoya Dome & Osu area, using Higashiyama / Sakuradori / Meijo line. in Shizuoka, we're going to TAMIYA Museum, using Shizutetsu buses.

just wondering, can we use SUICA* in those cities, on those lines / buses ?
or should we get other IC Cards ?

thanks in advance.

*) i read an article from 2017,, which stated that SUICA is usable in Nagoya's subway. Not sure about Shizuoka's Shizutetsu bus though.
by Randhy (guest)  

Re: Suica usage in Nagoya & Shizuoka 2024/11/2 15:53
Yes, Suica can be used all over Nagoya and also on Shizutetsu buses.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Suica usage in Nagoya & Shizuoka 2024/11/2 16:17
本当にありがとうございました !
by Randhy (guest) rate this post as useful

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