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New Year Buffet in hotels?
2024/11/18 20:31
What are some recommendations if I want to have New Year Buffet (in a hotel?) for 1/1? Ideally near Odaiba where we will be (for a group of 11).
by darthBL
Re: New Year Buffet in hotels?
2024/11/21 19:18
good morning the new otani hotel ホテルニューオータニ(東京) is renowned for its buffet dining not to mention the breath-taking view feel free to contact the reservation centre directly for its new year buffet during 2024年12月31日 〜2025年1月3日 31Dec~3an2025 hotel is within 3 minutes walking distance from tokyo subway 赤坂見附駅 Akasaka-mitsuke Station (東京メトロ 銀座線・東京メトロ 丸ノ内線) and around 30min train+metro ride by ゆりかもめ・東京メトロ from 台場 Odaiba Station have a wonderful trip
by anastasia (guest)
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