Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Hakone Free Pass 2025/1/18 15:52
I am intending to buy a Hakone Free Pass on-line. I've read that I need to validate this at the Odawara Visitor's Centre. Is this correct or is this out-dated information. The shuttle bus to my hotel is timed to leave within 5 minutes of the train's arrival so I do not have a lot of time to spare.
by Spuds  

Re: Hakone Free Pass 2025/1/19 08:57
It depends on what you mean with "buy online".

If it means you buy the digital version of the pass, then you don't have to validate anything anywhere. Here is the link:

However if it means that you buy a non-digital pass through a 3rd-party website, then you would probably have to drop by a ticket office and exchange the voucher with the actual ticket. There are very few reasons why you would want to purchase it this way. The only one I can think of is that you have some kind of points or discounts for that 3rd-party website.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Hakone Free Pass 2025/1/19 09:57
Uji, thank you for clarifying this for me. As I intend to get a digital pass I should be fine.
by Spuds rate this post as useful

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