Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!
Hakone Bus JO1, JO3, JO4, JO5, ZO3
2025/1/22 03:42
Do these buses have onboard signage in English announcing next stop?
by KCP Cols
Re: Hakone Bus JO1, JO3, JO4, JO5, ZO3
2025/1/22 08:34
What does JO1, JO3, JO4, JO5, ZO3 mean?
At least the buses operated by Hakone Tozan Bus (the ones covered by the Hakone Free Pass) have been highly bilingual even 10 years ago. I am sure it is still the case. I am not sure about buses operated by Izuhakone (the ones not covered by the Hakone Free Pass).
by Uji
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