Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Transport between Tokushima Port and Osaka 2025/2/5 02:45
Our ship is staying overnight in port and we'd like to visit Universal Studios and stay the night there. I'm having trouble finding a shuttle service and using the train takes a long time. Any advice on how to get from the port to Universal? Thank you so much.
by Paula (guest)  

Re: Transport between Tokushima Port and Osaka 2025/2/5 03:24
From Tokushima port to USJ is 156 km distan ce. So Do you think it is absolute necessary to go usj,when you have little time
by Keya (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Transport between Tokushima Port and Osaka 2025/2/5 06:14
Well Tokushima to Osaka is far. So it takes time. There are busses from Tokushima to Osaka. But thatfs still going to take about 3 h.
Theoretically you could rent a car and drive. But itfs still going to be around 2,5 h one way.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Transport between Tokushima Port and Osaka 2025/2/5 10:14
There are direct buses between Tokushima Station and USJ (3h one way):
by Uji rate this post as useful

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