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Couples Rings? 2005/11/18 14:33
Hello ^_^

I have recently been made aware that "Couples Rings" are used in Japan. After reading a little on this site I understand the diffrence from a "Promise Ring"Since a promise ring means you will get married. Were as a couples ring means you have a girl/boyfriend.

Planning on visiting my girlfriend in Japan (she is Japanese there with her family) this Christmas I wanted to get her one for both her and myself as a present. Hopefully her parents will realize what the ring means and not flip out on me haha.

Anyways can anyone tell me more about couples rings? Like..what is is just a gold or silver band common? Wich finger do you wear it on? That kind of thing.

I kind of want to make it a surprise so I am not asking my girlfriend any details about them. I did ask if she likes them and she gave me a "yes" but I didn't want to push it..she is very suspicous and can tell when I lie about something so..I'm hopeing to pull it off ^_^

Anyways any information on this would be great appreciated ^_^

by Dave  

From a 18-year-old Japanese girl 2005/11/19 16:28
Yeah in Japan Couples rings are really common. Of course not all the couples, though.
Men give their girlfriends rings especially on their birthdays, Christmas, or aniversaries.
About the ring, usually it is a silver band.
I can bet she will be so much happy when she gets it.
To me, as a same age as her, the ring means a lot if it is from the loved one.
When I see the ring, I can feel my boyfriend and his love.
Also, the ring will protect her from other boys as it shows that she has a boyfriend ;)

One question:Is it unusual in America for young couples to have Couple rings? Are Rings only for engagement?

I feel happy for her because I know you are really serious in her!^^

Good luck!!

by Yuka rate this post as useful

from what I've seen 2005/11/19 18:02
the couples ring seems to be plain band,silver and quite chunky. I checked some photos of my young Japanese guy friends - one wears his middle finger right hand,another wears it left hand wedding finger - maybe it doesn't matter where you put it??? Can anyone else help here?
by romantic rate this post as useful

rings 2005/11/20 10:00
what you are looking for are called "pair rings" here. Many Jewellery stores have them just ask.
by fugu rate this post as useful

To Yuka 2005/11/21 23:19
Yeah, couple rings aren't very common in the U.S. Engagement rings for the women, and wedding rings for the men and women which they exchange during the wedding ceremony, The women's ring is usually a two ring set that latches together. The diamond ring is the engagement ring, then the attached ring is added for the ceremony. We have class rings that we have an option to buy in highschool, sometimes the girls will wear their boyfriend's class rings and the boy's will wear the girl's ring on a chain around their neck, same with girl's sometimes wearing a boyfriend's college ring is common too. Some guys get their girlfriend's promise rings, after they have been dating for quite awhile, but it's actually not that common. I think I would have freaked if my long time boyfriend in highschool would've given me one. Are they really that common in Japan? I barely ever see Japanese people wearing even weddings rings, let alone couple's rings.
by sarahck rate this post as useful

Oops, sorry, 2005/11/22 04:08
I made a lot of typos. I will check my post before submitting it next time. I hope I didn't hurt the thread.
by sarahck rate this post as useful

Thank You ^_^ 2005/11/22 11:17
Dear everyone ^_^

Thank You very much ^-^ Especilly Yuka ^_^ I really appreciate having a Japanese girl actully tell me how she feels about a promise ring ^_^ I don't have any Japanese friends were I I apprecitate it ^_^

Yeah I plan on giving her the ring for a Christmas present..I was debating whether or not to wait until Christmas Day or Christmas Eve..since Eve is a more romantic holiday for couples so..I don't know haha ^_^

So it's just a silver band. Umm..what finger does the girl usual wear it it the wedding finger? I was kind of figuring that it would be..but what ever finger it fits on her I think would be fine haha ^_^

The reason why you like are exactly why I want to buy one for her ^_^ It lets her feel me there with her all day (I hope she can wear it at school..) and I definitly like the idea of the ring telling other guys to move on and leave her alone ^_^ Personally I think she is Extremly Cute and Pretty ^_^ She tells me shes not..but WOW she is..^_^

Anyways yes in America we don't have couple rings..just engagment and promise rings but guys only wear the wedding ring (like what was said in the other post) So when I found out about couples rings I thought it was a great I idea and she seemed really really interested in it when I asked. are right Yuka..I am really serios about being with her..I was tempted to buy her an engamgement ring instead..^-^ But I have got to move slow and she will like this I think ^_^ Thank you for your kind reply ^_^


by Dave rate this post as useful

Just an update ^_^ 2005/11/25 21:26
Just wanted to give a "Hay Ho" to everyone about what's being going on ^_^ I bought the ring for her ^_^ It's a simple 10k white gold band that is thin ^_^ It looked cute so I think it will look cute on her ^_^ I tried like heck to figure out her ring size..and after talking with her for a while..I think she is a "7" but I am not compeltly sure..and neither is she since she has never had her finger sized and her mom would be pretty ticked if she went to a jewelry store to try on rings (don't ask me why..) So if it's to big or to small I will just have a jeweler make it bigger or smaller for her ^_^

Thank you once again for the help ^_^

by Dave rate this post as useful

Good post 2006/2/13 17:21
I am happy I found this post I have found myself in the same boat as the OP. I have met a Japanese girl here and I am really falling for her. I had long wondered if there was something you could give to a girlfriend that could show love but at the same time was not asking for too much.

I am going to Shinjuku tommorow to look for a ring like this for her.

Wish me luck (^_^)
by Reed rate this post as useful

Nice ^_^ 2006/2/13 17:32
Good luck Reed ^_^ A couples ring is a very powerful (at least in my case) way of showing your affection for the girl you love. I hope you have better luck then I did trying to find out her ring finger size. Yes it usually dosn't matter wich finger but for the proper finger (wedding ring finger on her right hand) go with a size 6 or 5. If she's a little bigger then most Japanese girls go with a 6 1/2.

I hope your girl will accept the ring from you. It went great for me she loved it ^_^ Even though it's simple..the meaning it caried was very deep and strong for both her and me.

So I'll wish you the best with yours ^_^
by Dave rate this post as useful

Just wanted to clarify 2006/2/14 01:26
So do most boyfriends/girlfriends wear rings in Japan?? And if so, what would the most common finger be?

I've spoken to one girl who had many silver rings say she had no boyfriend, and another girl who wore a silver ring on her pinky who said she DID have a boyfriend.

I just want to make sure I'm not hitting on a girl who does have a boyfriend as I'm looking for something serious...

by no boyfriends please rate this post as useful

Hmmm 2006/2/14 09:46
It sounds like you have a problem if you don't know whether the girl you like has a boyfriend or not..

I mean yes there isn't any law that says girls can't wear lots of rings and some may indeed be silver and not have the same meaning. Of course since a couples ring can be worn on pretty much any finger it's hard to tell. Maybe a sly question to her asking out of curiostiy what couples rings are might be a good idea..see if she points hers out or if she gets excited since she wants one. I mean it won't be to obvios since you aren't from Japan and might have just read about them so she would be helping you.

But still if she wears a lot of rings (especilly if there is one on her right hand) then there isn't a for sure way to tell if she's wearing a couples ring. My girlfriend dosn't wear rings so now that she just wears our couples ring her friends (and other men) notcied it big time.

Good luck trying to find out though.
by Dave rate this post as useful

Dave... 2006/2/16 08:13
So I am glad your girl like the ring! I got my boyfriend couple rings for he and I to wear along with his chocolates for valentine's day. He wears his on right hand ring finger because he is left-handed. I wear on left hand ring finger (wedding finger). When we marry I will transfer it to my right hand and then we will use left hand for marriage rings.He was very pleased with it. So now we have matching rings!
by Umi rate this post as useful

Nice ^_^ 2006/2/16 13:28
Thats great to hear about the couples rings Umi ^_^ When I first found out about them I thought it was great since we don't have anything like that in the U.S. I mean there are promise rings. But this seemed a lot more romantic and less serios. Like a marriage proposel.

Yeah I understand you and your guy wearing it on diffrent fingers and doing the switch later on. I like taht idea of wearing it on the other hand once you get your engagment and then wedding ring ^_^ I think we'll do that ^_^
by Dave rate this post as useful

hehe 2006/2/19 01:35
their called pair rings.

popular amongst the younger lot, 15-24 ide say.

I have one but i wear it on a chain ronud my neck because im dreadfully paranoid of not being able to remove it.

Ill have to swallow my fear at the wedding i guess :S
by nurizeko rate this post as useful

necklaces too 2006/4/25 14:55
i was thinking of a pair of rings but went with necklaces instead because i have already given my girlfriend a ring.

its one of those interlocking heart type things, my cousin suggested it.
but if you havn't given her a ring yet i guess that would make her happier given you two are probably older than us. (18 =P)
by yuuki rate this post as useful

This worked best for me 2006/4/25 15:41
I considered the couples ring, but it sounded too much like high school and going steady. My girl and I are in our 40's and I thought something a little more mature was better.
So when I went to Japan this last time, I gave my J-gf a necklace with a pendant that read: "Ku u ipo" on it. Ku u ipo is Hawaiian, it means: "My Sweetheart".
I also gave her a CD of the song Ku u iop by Elvis Presley (Blue Hawaii soundtrack) and she loves it so very much, she wears the necklace daily and each night before she goes to bed she plays the song, I think for me, this was a better choice.
I mentioned the couples rings to her and she also thought it was a little "young" and said the neclace and the song were so very perfect!
by Surfbeat rate this post as useful

how about korean couple rings? 2006/6/12 20:32
well, I kno this is a form about japanese couple rings, but I need help, if any one kno's anyhting about how Koreans do couple rings, I'd be verry greatful.
My fiance is from South Korea, he is mix with Japanese, but he follows Korean customs.
He asked me to marry him about 2 weeks ago, and wants to get my engagment ring as a couples ring, but has a hard time finding them here in america. His English is limited, but if I knew more about what they should look like, I could help.
He wants me to pick them out, but I think I should try to get it to look like the Korean syled ones, ya kno.
any help?
by ashley rate this post as useful

The promise ring custom 2006/7/10 15:29
Hi everyone! I was looking for engagement rings on the net and I found your forum...and I it was really cute to read your're all so lucky to have someone to give a promise ring too. I'm not japanese and I don't really know about japanese customs but I really liked the couple ring custom...but for me a promise ring is just like a couple ring, I mean it's not like an engagement ring. It's not like your getting married soon. I read on a jewelry forum that through it's history, promise rings were given both to the one you love as well to your friends and that it symbolized the promise itself and not a feeling...kind of complicated but if you can, go read it there: That person wrote it better than I could ever explain. Anyway, I read there that a promise ring could be worn on any finger except the left ring finger which should only wear a wedding or engagement ring. So I think that answers your question Dave, but a bit too late cause Xmas is already over...Gomen Dasai...hope I did not misspel it.
by Disappearing rate this post as useful

Reference. 2006/7/24 18:57
Check out ''Only The Ring Finger Knows.'' It's a manga about a bit of the culture. xD It has male pairing, but they only kiss at the end. ^ ^;

On the middle right finger for friends, on the ring right finger for being single. And for the left ring finger when you trade with the one you love!

^ ^ Good luck.

~Mysterious One.
by Mysterious rate this post as useful

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